I think this is true... All of us have talent and some are more talented than others, but I believe the time and effort you put into your grind will take you a lot further than just having talent. If you think about it, a lot of people who made it in life might not have been the smartest or the most talented, but they could hustle harder and grind harder than others were willing to do. It could be they were willing to stay up at night, read books, watch videos, network, learn about their business, work on their craft, practice their skills, etc... They were basically willing to go that extra mile to succeed. Now of course some get lucky breaks, or were born into a rich family, but the ones that are self-made probably got there by the sweat of their brow...
@beattrunk @a.r.g.music #monday #mondaymotivation #inspiration #life #musicartist
#artist #rapper #singer #voices #vocalist #blog #success #try #hustle #grind #music
#indie #talent #hardwork
This is a repost from my Instagram page. I got the quote from an app called Success Quote Wallpapers, developed by Atlas. You can find it in the Google Play Store.